
Quotient Joins Coalition for Better Ads

Posted by Coalition for Better Ads on Jun 11, 2018 8:00:49 AM

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve joined the Coalition for Better Ads, an association that sets standards and safeguards for consumer online advertising. At Quotient, we support industry-wide practices that make advertising efficient for marketers and publishers, but that also make media experiences better for consumers. We’re in good company — other members of the Coalition include companies such as Procter & Gamble, Microsoft, Unilever and Google.

The Coalition is working to establish what’s best for digital advertising as technology and the industry evolves. The association argues, for instance, that adopting ads tested by consumers and getting rid of some ad formats, such as ones that stay at the bottom of a web page, will benefit the entire industry, and we’re glad to play a role in the evolution of the digital media.

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