Why JustPremium Is Prepared for the Upcoming Google Chrome Ad Filter

Written by Coalition for Better Ads | Feb 8, 2018 12:00:35 PM

Google Chrome Ad Filter: JustPremium Units Will Remain Fully Viewable, JustPremium’s Ads Will Not Be Filtered by Google Chrome’s Update

In the near future, the Google Chrome browser will begin blocking by default any annoying ads that it deems disruptive to the user experience. Specifically, Chrome will stop showing ads that do not comply with the standards developed by the Coalition for Better Ads.

As a proud member of the Coalition for Better Ads, and a fervent supporter of holding digital ads to a higher standard, JustPremium is pleased to report that our rich media ad units are fully compliant with the Better Ad Standards and expected to remain fully viewable within the yet-to-be released version of Chrome. Furthermore, we support the fact that a major player like Google – whose popular Chrome browser has a more than 50 percent share of the browser market – is stepping forward to help raise online advertising standards for the benefit of consumers, advertisers and publishers.

Below is a rundown of the Better Ads Standards that Chrome will be applying to ads going forward, and a demonstration of how JustPremium’s products are already meeting these stringent criteria.

Better Ads Standards: Desktop

The initial prohibited types of desktop ad experiences (four in total) in the Better Ads Standards are as follows:

Pop-up ads
Auto-playing video ads with sound
Prestitial ads with countdown
Large sticky ads

We’re pleased to report that JustPremium’s six desktop formats are in full compliance with these standards, as detailed below.


JustPremium’s Skin for desktop is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. The top of the ad moves with the content and does not qualify as a large sticky ad. Regardless, we ensure the ad takes up less than 30 percent of screen real estate.


JustPremium’s Billboard for desktop is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. While the ad is sticky to the bottom of the screen, it stays within the Better Ads Standards by taking up less than 30 percent of screen real estate.

Footer Ad

JustPremium’s Footer for desktop is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. While the ad is sticky to the bottom of the screen, it stays within the Better Ads Standards by taking up less than 30 percent of screen real estate.

Header Ad

JustPremium’s Header for desktop is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. While the ad is sticky to the top of the screen, it stays within the Better Ads Standards by taking up less than 30 percent of screen real estate and not overlaying any content.

Side Ad

JustPremium’s Side Ad for desktop is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. While the ad is sticky to the side of the page, it stays within the Better Ads Standards by taking up less than 30 percent of screen real estate and not overlaying any content.

Desktop Scroller

JustPremium’s Desktop Scroller is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial with countdown. The unit is not a sticky ad, but rather sits behind the content and moves into and out of view as the user scrolls the content.

Better Ads Standards: Mobile

The initial prohibited types of mobile ad experiences (8 in total) in the Better Ads Standards are as follows:

Pop-up ads
Auto-playing video ads with sound
Prestitial ads
Large sticky ads
Flashing animated ads
Poststitial ads with countdown
Full-screen scrollover ads
Ad density higher than 30 percent

We’re pleased to report that JustPremium’s three mobile formats are in full compliance with these standards, as detailed below.

Mobile Footer

JustPremium’s Mobile Footer is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial or poststital with countdown. While the ad is sticky to the bottom of the screen, it stays within the Better Ads Standards by taking up less than 30 percent of screen real estate. These ads do not feature flashing animations, and the unit is positioned at the bottom of the screen (i.e., not a full-screen scrollover). In advance of displaying, the Mobile Footer detects whether there is enough content height to display this product and still have a user experience that adheres to Better Ads Standards.

Mobile Scroller

JustPremium’s Mobile Scroller is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial or postitial with countdown. These ads are not sticky, and they do not feature flashing animations. The ad is positioned behind the content (as opposed to overlaying the content like a scrollover). In compliance with the Better Ads Standards, this unit will only be served when the page’s content is long enough that the ad won’t represent more than 30 percent of the overall content space.

Ladder Ad

JustPremium’s Ladder Ad is not a pop-up, does not employ auto-sound, and is not a prestitial or poststitial with countdown. These ads do not feature flashing animations. The ad has three components, all of which adhere to the Better Ads Standards: a header and footer, and a scroller component that is positioned behind the content (rather than over the content, as in the case of a scrollover).In compliance with the Better Ads Standards, this unit will only be served when the page’s content is long enough that all three components of the ad together won’t represent more than 30 percent of the overall content space.