Better Ads Standards / Mobile Web

Ad Density Higher Than 30%

Ad Experience: Ad Density Higher Than 30%

Ads that take up more than 30% of the vertical height of a page. Ad density is determined by summing the heights of all ads within the main content portion of a mobile page, then dividing by the total height of the main content portion of the page.

For the purposes of this ad experience definition:

  • Ad density is measured against the main content portion of the page, not the viewport.
  • The main content portion of the page excludes headers, footers and site navigation including related articles
  • Ads below the main content portion of the page are not included in the density calculation.
  • All ad formats count toward ad density, including “sticky” ads and inline ads. The height of each “sticky” ad is counted once for the purposes of this calculation)
  • Video ads that appear before (“pre-roll”) or during (“mid-roll”) video content that is relevant to the content of the page itself are not included in the measurement

Included ad experiences tested: 50% single-column ad density, 35% single-column ad density, 30% single-column ad density.


Last revised: Feb. 16, 2018